What is Linux System Call Under the Hood?

The operating system must fulfill many objectives but one of most important is:

  • Provide an execution environment to the applications that run on the computer system (the so-called user programs).

Linux system call or syscall is the transition between the User Space and the Kernel Space. Whenever a process makes a system call (i.e., a request to the kernel), the hardware changes the privilege mode from User Mode to Kernel Mode, and the process starts the execution of a kernel procedure with a strictly limited purpose. Whenever the request is fully satisfied, the kernel procedure forces the hardware to return to User Mode and the process continues its execution from the instruction following the system call. It’s crucially important from the security side to restrict User Space applications from functionality allowed only for the Kernel. Therefore, Linux Kernel developers created such API or syscalls mechanism.

Linux system call
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How to block ads. I mean completely block all the advertisement on the Internet or a web browser

Each of us would like to block all the annoying advertisement on the Internet. I will prompt how to do it qualitatively.

The most I love internet is because it was created on the basis of freedom, everybody could choose what website to visit, what data is received and will be sent to the target host and everything is open.

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Admin url checking shell script

Simple admin url checking shell script which helps you to check what is the admin url of any website through brute-forcing. The script outputs the http status code for every url in the url_list.txt for the domain name in site.txt, so if the result code is not 404 then we found something interesting. I added the home / url to see everything is working well and the /robots.txt url for cases when a webmaster restricts the crawlers access for something interesting ;).

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Simple trick to see US based Google headquarter search results without any proxy

This article will be helpful if you want to see Google search results without location or any other user preferences. This serp is visible for guys in Mountain View, CA, USA from Google headquarter – https://www.google.com/maps/place/37%C2%B025’19.2%22N+122%C2%B005’06.0%22W/@37.422,-122.085,17z.

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RAID and Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS error: diskfilter writes are not supported

It’s a bug, which I realized a couple of months ago when setting up the Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS on the RAID, and which Canonical should correct in the next update, I hope. You can read more about this bug here Bug #1274320 “Error: diskfilter writes are not supported

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